Mission of FTT WOLBROM Conveyor Belt Factory
The mission of FTT Wolbrom Conveyor Belt Factory SA is to supply domestic and foreign markets with products that are durable, reliable, safe in operation, reach the highest level of quality, that meet Customer expectations, that correspond with the requirements stemming from EU standards, laws and other applicable regulations, while caring for the environment, safety of employees, and at the same time ensuring the security of entrusted information.
The Management Board of Fabryka Taśm Transporterowych Wolbrom Spółka Akcyjna, the producer of products from rubber industry with more than 100 years of tradition, having regard to the environmental effects of the activity of the Factory and the safety of its employees, declares full engagement in the implementation of the Integrated Management System Policy, Environmental Management System, and Occupational Health and Safety Management System, and ensures appropriate resources and measures necessary for its implementation.
The Integrated Management System Policy adopted is realised through:
- conducting our activity based on building lasting and partner relations with Customers on the basis of business ethics.
- cooperation with Contractors and Suppliers with determined competences, fulfilling requirements in the scope of quality, environment and occupational health and safety.
- The use of knowledge and experience of employees, as well as ensuring them favourable conditions for improving qualifications, promotion at work, self-fulfilment and work comfort.
- Considering the role of employees and their engagement in the scope of activities in favour of the environment and occupational health and safety.
- A systematic cooperation with research and scientific entities, enabling the production of goods of the highest level of safety, produced based on materials and raw materials safe in use and environmentally friendly.
- Keeping up with the requirements of the technological advancement, organisational progress and continuously raised quality threshold by investing, among others, in technological development of the Factory and improvement of organisational systems.
- Conducting activity according to the applicable legal requirements with particular focus on the requirements of environmental protection and occupational health and safety.
- Improving activity in the scope of occupational health and safety in order to prevent accidents at work, occupational diseases and near misses.
- Preventing unfavourable impacts on environment through reasonable and safe for the environment waste management, effective and economical management of natural resources and energy carriers.
- Sustainable development based on principles of social dialogue and searching for solutions favourable for both the Factory and the surroundings: employees, interested parties, and society, within which it operates.
- Ensuring organisational and technological conditions enabling gradual reduction and elimination of occupational risk appearing in workplaces of our employees, as well as employees of cooperating companies.
The management board of the Factory declares:
- Ensuring appropriate organisational, technological and economical resources, fulfilling requirements resulting from the legislation and current legal provisions in the scope of environmental protection and occupational health and safety,
- Fulfilling requirements resulting from the legislation and current legal provisions.
- Continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System based on requirements of the standards: N-EN ISO 9001, PN-EN ISO 14001, PN-N 18001 supported by the Quality Management System accredited by PCA (The Polish Centre for Accreditation).
- Implementation of objectives based on the Integrated Management System Policy with the awareness about the context in which the Factory operates, considering at the same time the risks and opportunities related to its activity, and supporting its strategic direction.
The Integrated Management System Policy was communicated to all employees of the Factory, it is understood and applied in the Factory as part of the objectives set resulting from it and is available for the interested parties, and is subject to a systematic review in terms of usefulness and validity.
The Board of Directors of Wolbrom Conveyor Belt Factory SA, representing a manufacturer of rubber products with a long tradition, declares their full commitment to the implementation of the Information Security Policy and Information Security Management System, and provides adequate resources and means necessary for their implementation.
We implement the Information Security Policy through:
- Meeting requirements and expectations of domestic and international Customers, including full security of entrusted information, i.e. its controlled confidentiality, integrity and availability.
- Ensuring business continuity based on the methodology of identification, estimation
and acceptance of risks to security of information, and the implementation of appropriate safeguards.
- Appropriate action in the event of a breach of information security.
- Supplies from proven and qualified Suppliers.
- Continuously increasing employee awareness of information management through the systematic improvement of professional qualifications.
- Engaging employees in efforts for the systematic improvement of information security.
- Use of legal methods of information storage and the use and upgrade of the organizational infrastructure in order to secure the information in its possession to the greatest possible extent.
- Compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements relating to information security at FTT Wolbrom SA and reserved by our Contractors, Suppliers and Customers.
The Information Security Policy provides a framework to determine the specific objectives and responsibilities for their accomplishments at every level of management. This is known to employees, and an awareness of its goals accompanies all their activities.
The Information Security Policy is publicly available and is constantly reviewed for suitability and relevance.
The Information Security Policy is implemented based on the requirements of standard PN- ISO / IEC 27001 and a constantly improved Information Security Management System, that covers hard-copy and electronic assets processed at FTT WOLBROM SA.