Privacy policy - Taśmy transportujące i przenośnikowe : FTT Wolbrom S.A - FTT Wolbrom S.A

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Privacy policy

Privacy policy

of the service

General information

Your privacy is essential for us. The Administrator is taking his duties towards the field of privacy safeguard seriously. Therefore, we have  applied suitable technical and organizational solutions so the processed data can be safe.

The privacy policy describes, what information the Administrator is collecting through the www service, how is he using, transferring, sharing and deleting them. The policy regulates matters related to the usage of personal and non-personal data.

The Administrator of data is:

Fabryka Taśm Transporterowych Wolbrom S.A. ul. 1 Maja 100, 32-340 Wolbrom, registrated  by the District Court in Cracow – City Center in Cracow, XII Economic Department of the National Court Register at the number 0000037268, NIP PL 6371001853, share capital 18.884.200 zł deposed in total, BDO 000007809.

In all matters related to the data protection you are  encouraged to contact the Administrator through the Data Protection Inspector by writing to the e-mail address:

The Data Protection Inspector is willing to share all information about data processing  with you.

If you have  any comments connected with the data processing, especially when in your opinion the Administrator is  processing  them incorrectly, we ask you to contact the Data Protection Inspector through the aforementioned e-mail as soon as possible.

The Administrator is processing  data solely in accordance with the law.

By using our service you give your consent to this privacy policy.

Your rights

Data, which are not collected automatically, are given solely with your consent. By providing your personal data, you declare that these data are true and regular  and you admit that they are concerning exclusively you and no other person. We also ask you to actualize your data. You can contact our Administrator with a demand of access or change of your personal data at any moment. Furthermore,  you have the right to require to restrain the processing, submit your objection, demand the correction of data, delete or restrain the processing . We also encourage you to submit your complaint to the supervisory body, which is the Chairman of the  Office for the Protection of Personal Data.

Why are we collecting data

Some data, especially those, which you provide in our forms, are necessary to serve you properly as our clients. Furthermore, the collecting of data is necessary for proper operation of our service, identification and repair of errors. We are also using the collected  data in administrative, analytic, statistic, optimizing and research  purposes.  The situation may arise, when we will be bound by the applicable legal provisions to share your personal data in order to answer questions of the law enforcement authorities or the judicial authorities.


The  Administrator, through his internet site uses so called “cookies”, short text information saved on your device. Cookies can be read by the Administrator, as well as his partners, for example through the Google Analytics device.

Cookies are fulfilling many functions, they are among others serving for: the assurance of safety, the improvement of site efficiency, the errors identification, the increase of browsing  the site  comfort, the maintaining of session’s state, the creation of statistics, the usage of social media functions, if shared.

Cookies can be used by advertising networks to display adverts matched to the way you are using the www service.

Your internet browser implicitly allows the usage of cookies. During your first visit we ask you to accept the usage of cookies. You have the right to block the cookies function. In order to block it, it is necessary to change the settings of your internet browser. Each browse allows the blocking of the cookies function. If you do not know how to do that, please use the help in your browser. You can reach our help at any moment as well.

The Administrator informs that turning  off the cookies function, necessary for the authentication, safety, maintenance of the user preferences complicates, and in extreme cases makes the usage of www pages impossible.

Within the Service, two basic types of cookies files are used: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files, which are preserved in the terminal device of the User only during the session – till the moment of logout, leaving the website or disabling the software.  Persistent cookies are preserved in the terminal device of the User during the specified time period defined in cookies files parameters (not longer than 12 months) or till the moment of deletion by the User.

Data in forms

If you are using the contact forms available in our www service, sharing your personal data is voluntary. Personal data provided in  this way are used solely in the objective resulting from the form, for example, in order to answer your questions. Within the sheet we collect your: name, surname, e-mail address, perchance your telephone number. You data will be stored during the necessary period of the concrete application service, which can last a few days or a few months, depending on the reported case. Afterwards, we will delete your data. The service is also able to automatically save connection parameters data (time of connection, IP address  of the terminal user).

Data for marketing purposes

If you have granted us your consent to use your data in order to inform you about our products and services, we will transfer those data exclusively for the period, for which your consent has been granted. Please keep in mind that you can, without giving us the reason, withdraw your consent at any moment.

Social media and Youtube

If you are using our social media profile or our Youtube channel, the service operators can provide us certain information as well as automatically upload some of those data from us. Details in that field are defined by the privacy policy of the operators.

Other data

For  administrative purposes of the www service we are processing  data such as: the time and date of page visit, the type of the operating system, the approximate location, the type of internet browser, the time spent on the website, the visited subpages, the order of pages visits, information about the errors, the URL address of the site previously  visited by the user  (referrer link) – if the passage to the Service was followed by a link, the information about the IP address of the terminal device,  logged data in the server layer and are not associated with concrete Users. Those data are being used solely for  administrative  purposes of the server.


Sharing data

Personal data contained in the forms are not forwarded to third parties, unless there is a clear consent from your part. Other data might be forwarded to our  partners in a limited range, providing us services in the matter of website support, especially in the field of analytic. Within our  possibilities, we are trying to make the transferred data anonymous. You will find more about that topic in the privacy policy of Google Analytics here:

The period of data processing  

Your data will be proceeded only for the necessary period of  reaching the goal, for which they were collected. If those information are only provided for answering questions, they will be deleted right after the end of correspondence. If  however they are essential for us to protect our rights or defend ourselves against claims, we will be processing  them as long as  the potential claims will not  expire. If you have granted your consent for data proceeding in order to be informed about our new  products and services those data will be proceeded for the next 5 years, unless the consent was granted for a shorter period of time. Of course, you are allowed to withdraw that kind of consent at any moment. Data that are used in analytic purposes, cookies and data related to the administration of the webpage will be used till the time of obsolescence or loss of suitability, not longer than 3 years.

Changes in the privacy policy

The Administrator reserves himself the right to provide changes in the privacy policy at any time. The changed privacy policy will be published on our www service.