Conveyor belts with steel cords, flame resistant GTP-ST, are designed for transportation of loose materials in underground pits of mining companies extracting combustible minerals (e.g. coal) and non-combustible minerals (e.g. ore, salt, aggregates).
The belts are made of a core consisting of longitudinally arranged zinced steel cords vulcanized in a special flame resistant core rubber and rubber covers.
Due to the properties of the steel – rubber core of the GTP-ST belt, such belts are recommended for use on long and sloping routes, where extremely low elongation, long life and low failure are required.
The properties of the used rubber mixes allow the GTP belts to meet the high physicomechanical requirements and requirements of electrical – fire safety.
Flame resistant GTP belts have the approvals of the State Mining Authority in Katowice for use in underground mines in Poland as well as appropriate approvals and certificates required on foreign markets.