Research activities
Research activity is covered by the existing management system in place at the Accredited Laboratory, which is a unit in the Company-wide PN-ISO 9001-compliant management system. The Laboratory also performs tests for external customers, accredited and otherwise. It provides customers with comprehensive information on the testing methodology and seeks their acceptance of the methods proposed for particular jobs. The Laboratory undertakes to treat test data and the tests themselves as confidential information and to protect them from access by third parties except for the technical supervisors and government authorities.

Laboratory operations
FTT Wolbrom products are manufactured in monitored production processes and tested at an in-house Laboratory, since 1998 it has been certified and accredited by the Polish Centre of Accreditation as Research Laboratory No. AB 169. Quality criteria set for the processes, raw materials, semi-finished and finished products are tracked in real time. The test quality is guaranteed and reproducible. We test with state of the art equipment, and constantly expand the scope of tests to match increasing customer requirements.
Laboratory departments
1. Physical and mechanical tests,
2. Analytical tests,
3. Strength tests,
4. Vulcanization and sample preparation,
5. Flammability tests,
6. Friction tests.