Social activities - FTT Wolbrom S.A - FTT Wolbrom S.A

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Social activities

Social activities

FTT Wolbrom SA believes that the company’s reputation depends not only on financial performance, but also on the way it conducts business. Reliable implementation of the rules concerning social responsibility can result in successful integration with business objectives. FTT Wolbrom SA is the company actively involved in community life.

FTT Wolbrom SA management authorities believe that sports popularisation, promotion of active recreation among employees and partners, sports fashion and active leisure time is their important duty. The ambition of the Management Board, FTT employees and the residents of Wolbrom is to promote the town and the company on a broad national forum. This is possible by doing sports.


FTT Wolbrom SA supports, founded in 1937, ‘Przebój’ sports club, which had the status of the company’s sports club years ago.


We are one of the main sponsors of the Student Sports Club – JUDO Wolbrom formed in 1998.