Conveyor belts resistant to 120, 150, 200 or 280 degrees - FTT Wolbrom S.A - FTT Wolbrom S.A

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conveyor belts

Resistant to 120, 150, 200 or 280 degrees Celsius


Fabric – rubber conveyor belts, multi-ply, resistant to elevated temperatures, are suitable for transportation of loose materials with elevated temperatures. They can carry such hot materials as: ash, slag, sinters, moulding sands, limestone, clinker and fertilizers.
The belts are made of polyester – polyamide (EP) or polyamide – polyamide (PP) fabric plies combined with a special rubber core and rubber covers with raised thermal resistance. Depending on the temperature of the transferred material, the rubber based on SBR or EPDM and / or EPM is used. The belts produced are resistant to transferred material temperatures – 120, 150, 200 and 280 °C.


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