Scrapers for belt cleaning - FTT Wolbrom S.A - FTT Wolbrom S.A

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Belt cleaning scrapers


Rubber scrapers are blades for cleaning the surface of conveyor belt covers or drums from the deposits left behind by conveyed materials.
FTT Wolbrom manufactures scrapers for each type of their conveyor belts, such as standard, flame retardant, and flame resistant.
The rubber of the scraper is engineered not to damage nor abrade the cleaned surface of the conveyor belt cover.
Scrapers are available as a single-layer or in three-layers with a soft compound in the middle layer for better adhesion to the cleaned surface.
Do not clean conveyor belts using worn belts as scrapers.
Available rubber scrapers: 10 to 50 mm thick and 100 to 400 mm wide.



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